The curated samples display the range of experience accumulated through more than 20 years as an educator and designer.
The 7 Soft Skills For Success (CLICK TO VIEW) course is created using Articulate and Rise 360. Embedded video of live-action game was recorded in realtime using the MacOS compatible Peek 360. Other features like voice-over and transitions were completed using iMovie.
The SolidWorks tutorial video describes the process, through example, of creating producing a Swept Cut maneuver that results in the tunneling of a 1/2 inch channel in the center of a 2 inch extruded 2 shape combined geometry.
Tutorial created with Camtasia live action screen recording with voice over instruction by teacher (R. Rodriguez).
SolidWorks Swept Cut Technique Step-by-Step guide to acclimate the student/user to a complex sequence of steps.
Step-by-step visual guide used by a novice end-user, or an experienced operator in need of clarification. (Click to see full manual.)
Photoshop and graphic design course flyer for the 2011 Spring Seminar Series in Miami, Florida. All courses were designed and taught exclusively by me.
Student uses a teacher-created custom reading assignment entry form. The student's primary language is Mandarin, but he uses his pre-existing learning skills to align all of the resources at his disposal to successfully complete the assignment. (For more examples, click on this hotlink.)
Multisensory new vocabulary introductory guide that is teacher-created and customized for the individual student. This allowed for the students that are new to the English language a connection that extends far beyond the visual acuities for the purpose of learning and linguistic development. On display to the right is the same vocabulary guide in both Mandarin and Spanish.
Spanish version of vocabulary introduction form.
Vocabulary pronunciation guide with assistive text in Mandarin.
Summary card for architecture students that is simple while specifies the essentials of a modern concept.
Simplified anchor chart to highlight the process of transformative writing for the novice student.